INASTE Congress 2022 Realizing Humanity
Current political and technological developments lend a new poignancy to the complex theme of “humanity“. Political extremism and populism increasingly question a basic con-sensus of humane values in democratic societies, and our encounters with refugees contin-ually test our understanding of humanitarianism. Digitalisation, automation, and the virtu-alisation of growing parts of our economic, social, and cultural life lend a new intensity to the question of our own humanity. The effects of human-driven climate change have led young people in particular to demand for new, ecologically responsible lifestyle choices. Finally, the COVID-19 pandemic and the response to it have shown how essential - and how controversial - questions of “humanity”, “responsibility”, and “solidarity” are in our times. Many of these societal challenges are manifested in educational contexts in a highly focused form. How can young people today discover and develop their own humanity in relation-ship with the world? What forms of a pluralistic and differentiated society can be developed and realized in an educational context, based not on homogenization and marginalisation but on on diversity and respect? What can educators in today’s world contribute to the re-alization of humanistic values? The fourth Congress of the International Network for Aca-demic Steiner Teacher Education (INASTE) invites educational scientists and teachers to reflect with us on current challenges and on the development of pedagogical perspectives for humanity.
Congress Committee:
Prof. Dr. Leonhard Weiss (Chairman), Alanus Hochschule für Kunst und Gesellschaft: Zentrum für Kultur und Pädagogik, Austria
Prof. Dr. Carlo Willmann (Chairman), Alanus Hochschule für Kunst und Gesellschaft: Zentrum für Kultur und Pädagogik, Austria
Caroline Bratt, Waldorflärarhögskolan, Sweden
Prof. Dr. Peter Lutzker, Freie Hochschule Stuttgart, Germany
Dagny Ringheim, Rudolf Steiner University College, Norway
Prof. Dr. Jost Schieren, Alanus Hochschule für Kunst und Gesellschaft, Germany
Prof. Dr. Johannes Wagemann, Alanus Hochschule für Kunst und Gesellschaft, Germany
Contact: Mag. Amalia Dicketmüller,
Dr. Jens Beljan, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany: Resonanzpädagogik: Impulse für die Förderung von Humanität, Verantwortung und Solidarität**
Dr. Constanza Kaliks, Pedagogical Section of the Goetheanum, Switzerland: Realizing Humanity – learning to become for a common world
Dr. Ida Oberman, Community School for Creative Education, USA: Intercultural Waldorf Education: Why here; why now; why us?
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Henning Schluß, Universität Wien, Austria: Verantwortung für die Zukunft. Herausforderungen des Klimawandels für die Pädagogik**
Prof. Dr. Nina Witoszek, Oslo University, Norway: Culture as an Incubator of a Sustainable Society
discussion forums
Resonanzpädagogik und Waldorfpädagogik im Dialog, Moderation: Dr. Jens Beljan, Prof. Dr. Wilfried Sommer
Humanistische Pädagogik im MINT-Bereich, Moderation: Prof. DI Dr. Friedrich Vogt
Lernen unsere Schulkinder heute das, was sie zur Bewältigung der Herausforderungen in 30 Jahren benötigen? Moderation: Dr. Peter Guttenhöfer, Dr. Tobias Hartkemeyer
Aesthetic and practical elements in Waldorf teacher education, Moderation: Ruhi Tyson, Ph.D.
registration fee
Early Registration Fee until March 31, 2022: 130€
reduced fees for students (40€) and teachers (80€)
Congress fees after March 31, 2022: 150€
reduced fees for students (40€) and teachers (100€)