Teaching American History, Culture and Politics in High School - ABGESAGT
For pupils learning English as a foreign language in high school, studying the history, culture and politics of the United States will generally play an important role. For the teacher, one of the challenges will be to offer a richer and more differentiated understanding of a country that is often viewed in a superficial and stereotypical manner. This will require looking more closely at its historical and cultural development and at some of those issues and events which have deeply shaped the United States until today. In this course, working with a wide range of original materials, we will discuss how such texts and media can be taught in EFL classes, with a particular focus on the 10th grade.
Oberstufen-Geschichtslehrer:innen, die Interesse mitbringen, mit original historischen Texten aus dem Amerikanischen zu arbeiten, sind herzlich eingeladen.
Wir weisen darauf hin, dass der Kurs auf Englisch stattfindet und der Schwerpunkt auf die Methodik des Englischen gelegt wird, wie mit herausfordernden Originaltexten gearbeitet werden kann.